Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gallimaufry with Chariots

• Icelandic Pagans curse the nation's economic rivals. See what happens when you mix polytheism and international banking? (Via Pagan Newswire Collective.)

• I do like what Iceland may do for freedom of the (online) press.

• We are the Empire, and we have the chariot-racing to prove it. Video no. 2 is the better one. Go Greens. (Via LawDog.)

• American pop culture is not keen on reincarnation as a plot device?

• Once again, Wicca as "the Other" gets tangled up with current political debate

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Sex with Icelandic Elves

I linked to a site about sex with ghosts, so why not sex with elves?

Call them "the hidden people," call the them the Shining Ones, whatever you like. These are not garden gnomes we are talking about: "They're not like small, ugly gnomes. They're more like tall and beautiful."

And they know what you want in bed. Whew!

"It would make the world a better place if more people had sex with elves."

I remain agnostic about that, but I would still love to see Iceland.

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