Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ave Smokey

We encountered an American demigod up in Salida, Colorado, during FIBARk today. The woman in the black T-shirt would appear to be an attending priestess, since her shirt has a Forest Service emblem on it.

Apparently he blesses dogs as well as preventing forest fires.



Blogger Jason Pitzl-Waters said...

Makes me think of Gary Snyder's "Smokey the Bear Sutra".

"...he will protect those who love woods and rivers, Gods and animals, hobos and madmen, prisoners and sick people, musicians, playful women, and hopeful children."

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Chas S. Clifton said...

I have always loved the Smokey Sutra ever since hearing Snyder read it when I was in high school.

And wearing the Smokey costume on the Forest Service float in a parade was my first "assumption of the god form," when I was about 9 years old. (Dad was the local district ranger.)

8:07 AM  
Blogger Steve Bodio said...

Well, looks like I am the third to think of Snyder's Sutra!

5:16 PM  

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