Friday, May 16, 2008

A Day for Desk Work

It is a damp, grey day here on Hardscrabble Creek, with the temperature struggling to climb out of the 40s F. It's a good day to be indoors editing Pomegranate articles. Were the weather warm and sunny, I would want to be doing chores outdoors--all the little jobs that built up over the winter.

Meanwhile, some links:

¶: Articles on Pagan infiltration of Quaker meetings and other creeping Paganism from Christianty Today and Modern Reformation. Via Cat Chapin-Bishop, who is quoted in the former, being one of the infiltrators.

¶ Beyond mere steampunk: Building a Victorian computer. Via Mirabilis.

¶ Bablestone posts on the difficulties of deciphering Ogham inscriptions. What looked like a description of a battle might in fact be a simple grave marker.

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Blogger Lonnie said...

From Christianity Today: "a trend that may or may not exist in other Christian traditions, but certainly not in such an organized, public fashion."

Uh, hello... Pagan Unitarians have been around for quite a long time, and Unitarianism and Universalism are both historically Christian traditions. I think the Friends are just experiencing what we have already as UUs for quite some time. The result isn't a loss of identity but rather a reshuffling of ideas and priorities.

Incidentally, one of the oldest covens I know about in Charlottesville was once associated loosely with the local Friends Church.

3:41 PM  

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