Tuesday, August 29, 2006


First, there was the discovery that while I had assigned readings according to the page numbers of the 6th edition of a certain book, the bookstore had stocked and the students had bought the 7th edition. So I will spend tomorrow re-doing that syllabus.

Meanwhile, The Pomegranate's copyeditor emails me from England with the unwelcome news that one paper scheduled for the next issue lacked a bibliography--which is my fault for forgetting to tell the author that we needed one. So I had to slam one together from her footnotes this evening, checking some of her citations against the WorldCat database.

I so love that kind of work!

You would think with footnotes that a bibliography is unnecessary for a short paper, but the publisher wants them anyway. It has something to do with other databases of citations in various journals.


Blogger Cat Chapin-Bishop said...

You write, "while I had assigned readings according to the page numbers of the 6th edition of a certain book, the bookstore had stocked and the students had bought the 7th edition. So I will spend tomorrow re-doing that syllabus."

All I can say, brother, as I am readying my materials for the first day of teaching next week, is that I feel your pain... I feel your pain.


9:58 AM  

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