Sunday, April 24, 2005

Paganism--religion or fad? Stay tuned

'Australia Talks Back' tackles the question: Traditional religions continue to lose their flock to the evangelicals,but an increasing number of Australians are opting out of Christianity and turning to pre-Christian paganism, with its spells and witchcraft. Paganism may be on the rise, but is it a serious religion, or new age trend? (Real Media and Windows Media links here--scroll down)

Guests on this program:

Dr. Rachael Kohn
Producer & Presenter of Radio National's 'The Ark' and 'The Spirit of Things'

David Garland
Pagan priest and spokesman for PAN - The Pagan Awareness Network

Lynne Hume
Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of Queeensland.
Author of
Witchcraft and Paganism in Australia

Stacey Demarco
Sydney businesswoman who describes herself not only as a Pagan but also as a modern -day witch


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